Fishing info

Open Wednesday to Sunday, All Bank Holidays from 1st March

No Bait Boats

Stocked in 1986 with carp upto 15lb, Now after 39yrs of slowly maturing at natures speed, we have a good stock of wild home grown Carp to reward and frustrate all anglers. 

1995 2 x 40lbs Commons landed (1 fish was nearly but not landed 2020) 

The Lake is home to some 400+ Carp that cruise around marginal features nestled between 22 free draining gravel pegs.

5% Mirrors, 35% Ghosties and 60% Common Carp to 28lb+

Tench to 8lb, Bream 12lb Roach to 2lb and Crusians 5lb a few ferocs Trout 25lb

We have very good fish which has not been landed. We honestly don't know what it is. What ever the fish is, its very powerfull. Its been close to the bank but never been seen? It will take all baits and makes its self known two or three times a season. 

Lake depths average 5 to 9ft on a bed of firm shingle and peat. The north western end is shallow to 4ft on a silt bed of peat clay and blood worm beds.The extensive network of gullies and clay banks natural springs add to the many lake bed features. 3 secret peat islands hold many fish visable in June before submerging in late Autumn. 

Full Public liability Cover £10m

Peg 12 Shelter & log burner

Logs £15

Free, Yurt Shelter with log burner Pegs 6,7 and 8

All rods must be reeled in.

Yurt to lake 30m

Logs £15

Ladies, you are welcome

Yes, we are a safe secure gated fishery. CCTV (We live onsite).

Yes, we have ladies Toilets & Shower.

Yes, you have use of the kitchen & TV room.

Yes, we have Full Public Liability £10m. 

Area of Oustanding National Beauty

1st December to 1st March every year we close to give our fish a well earned rest.

Routine lake maintenance is done during the winter months so not to disturb maginal habitats. 

Annual NRW Lake Health & Safety Audits 

Belive it or not "The country side is not free" 

Book your session now