- Payment link and Booking will expire in 1hr if payment is not received.
- Drive Slowly in and out, you are driving on a Public Bridleway used by Walkers, Horses and Bikes.
- Stop at the Fishery office on arrival sign in.
- You must have a valid Enviromental Agency Rod Licence.(No Licence no fishing)
- No under 14yrs allowed onsite.
- 14yrs and over must be able to provide I.D when asked.
- 14yrs to 18yrs fishing must be accompanied by a paid adult.
- Viewing is by appointment only.
Fish Welfare
- Do not strike to set the hook beyond reasonable force.
- Never lift any fish above knee height, keep the fish wet and return ASAP.
- Sacking of fish is permitted for weighing only.
- No Keep nets.
- You must have and use fish care antiseptic
- Rods / Rigs must not be left unattended in the water. (E.A.Rules state you must not be more than 3 meters from your rods) Reel in, before leaving the peg.
- No Sleeping in Motor Homes / Vans when fishing
Tackle / Rigs
- No more than 3 rods + 1 Spod rod to be set up to fish.
- Barbless hooks only
- No Micro Barbed, Gripz, flattened or Crushed Barbs
- No Mainline braid
- Braided hook link and Spomb is permitted
- Minimum 12lbs Mainline
- Minimum 12lb Hook link
- Minimum Hook Size 10
- Spombs must have a float attached
- Safety rigs must be used at all times
- Minimun 1 x 30 inch wide landing net per Angler (No Net Sharing)
- No Spinning
- No Pole fishing, Whips or Sea fishing rods.
- A Leader or Tubing at a minimum of 12" inches must be used to prevent scales from being lifted while playing fish.With exception for float fishing flurocarbon and tapered leaders are not acceptable unless tubing is used to protect the fish.
- No Zig Rigs
Bait - Soft fresh is best
- No Non Biodegradable baits eg fake corns, foams, plastics
- No Tinned Cat & Dog meats
- No Tiger Nuts, Peanuts
- No Bait Boats
- Corns must be soft to squeeze
- Landing nets and unhooking mats, must be dipped on arrival in the disinfectant provided and again before leaving site.
- If anglers have handled fish, they should be advised to thoughly clean their hands with soap and water a disinfectant hand gel should be applied.
Peg info
- 2 rods only per Angler if sharing the peg.
- Pegs cannot be reserved.
- Choose a peg on arrival and stay on it for the duration of your booked session. No moving.
- No Walking and Stalking.
- No fouling in the woods.
- Please put your vehicle in the car parks after unloading.
- Fishery gates are locked from 6.15pm to 8am.
- No visiting guests allowed onsite.
- No takeway deliveries.
- No dogs.
- No Wading, No Swimming.
- No Heavy Drinking, No Weed Smoking, Drugs, Guns, Drones, Loud radios, Musical instruments.
- BBQs Must be raised to prevent scorching and retain the ash. BBQ & Ashes must be taken away with you.
- Green / Camo bivvy only.
- Take all your rubbish home.
- Accidents must be recorded in the log book in the fishery office.
- First aid kit is kept in the fishery office or call at the house or 999
- Caution should be taken when net dipping in disinfectant, ask for assistance if unsure. You are responcible for your own personal protective equipment.
- Caution should be taken when walking around the fishery day & night, trip hazards are present e.g uneven ground, rabbit hole, bare roots and slippery surfaces.
- Caution should be taken when camping under trees - Falling branches.
- Fishing should stop when lightening is present.
- Lake water is cold, the edges shallow but with steep holes, avoid falling in. Life rings are positioned around the lake to be used to save life.
- It is a condition of payment that we reserve the right to seach your vehicle at anytime.
- It is a condition of payment that you have read all the rules on the website.
- Provide a fishing club or Character Reference, if ask for.
- The removal, Killing, Eating or Transfer of any fish will mean a claim by the owners of Gweryd lakes for full compensation.
- Neither the company nor its employees shall be responsible for the loss or damage to any of your property however caused.
- Anglers, guests or visitors are not entitled to make any claim against Gweryd Lakes or its employees of any sort, injury or theft.
- We reserve the right to cancel any booking at any time.
- We reserve the right to alter rules, these terms at anytime with out prior notice.